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the CITY SHELTER project 


Emergency infrastructure to help citizens at risk of social exclusion | July 2014


Nowadays, our country is involved in a global crisis whose consequences are increasing day after day. Evictions, more poor people without opportunities to find a job, children who are forced to eat in charity canteens due to the lack of food at home. The situation is truly alarming. Since the government response is not enough at all we have to act as far as possible to help those people feel a little better while institutions discuss and try to get an agreement on the matter.


For this reason, we should provide the population with specific places where the influence of architecture is vital not only when it comes to design functional spaces, but when it comes to positively affect people´s lives.


This complex has a temporary shelter; rooms and minimum housing where after an exhaustive study some people will be able to stay for a while. It includes primary health care and a team with psychologists and social workers who may help them find a solution to their situation.


Other important places inside the complex are the food pavilion and the clothes pavilion, places where destitute families can go to find clothes and eat for free, thanks to the donations which previously have been processed and stored in the pavilions. To carry out all this complicated but important process each pavilion has specific spaces where collecting and making the process of selection among other things.


The large majority of workers in the complex will be composed of the ones who live in the shelter plus a number of citizens with financial difficulties, which is another measure that could help more people in need for a while.  


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